In this notebook, we will learn about the various ways in which ImgLib2 is lazy.
First let’s add the necessary dependencies. We will use ImageJ to load example images and to generate RenderedImage outputs that we can use to render in the notebook. Then, we will import ImgLib2 and the modules to share data between ImgLib2 and ImageJ and the imglib2-realtransform module that includes various transformations.
var imp = IJ.openImage("./clown.jpg");imp.getBufferedImage();
If we want to work with this image in ImgLib2, we need to provide it as an ImgLib2 interface:
var imp = IJ.openImage("./clown.jpg");// for later use without the compiler losing its mind, we must provide type information// for the ImagePlus wrapper, so let's not use var hereRandomAccessibleInterval<?> rai = ImagePlusImgs.from(imp);rai;
IntImagePlus [320x200]
There is no default renderer for ImgLib2 interfaces available to the notebook kernel, so we see a default String representation of the result (when rendering this cell the first time). So let’s register some simple renderers that use ImgLib2’s ImageJ bridge and Spencer Park’s image renderer to render ImgLib2 data into the notebook. We add a version that renders the first 2D slice of a RandomAccessibleInterval and a second version that renders a default interval 512x512+0+0 of the 2D slice at position 0 in all other dimensions of an infinite RandomAccessible.
var imp = IJ.openImage("./clown.jpg");// for later use without the compiler losing its mind, we must provide type information// for the ImagePlus wrapper, so let's not use var hereRandomAccessibleInterval<?> rai = ImagePlusImgs.from(imp);display(rai,"image/gif");//display(rai, "image/jpeg");//display(rai, "image/png");
You may have noticed that the output of this cell ends with an obscure identifier. We see this, because we did not catch the output of the display method which provides an identifier for the output object that it generates. This identifier can be used to update the contents of this object. We can use this to render simple animations, e.g. to slice through a 3D volume. Let’s try this with a 3D volume from the ImageJ example images:
var imp = IJ.openImage("");RandomAccessibleInterval<?> rai = ImagePlusImgs.from(imp);var refSlice =display(Views.hyperSlice(rai,2, rai.dimension(2)/2),"image/jpeg");var refLabel =display("slice "+ rai.dimension(2)/2);for(int z =0; z < rai.dimension(2);++z){var slice = Views.hyperSlice(rai,2, z);updateDisplay(refSlice, slice,"image/jpeg");updateDisplay(refLabel,"slice "+ z);Thread.sleep(100);}// for static notebook exportupdateDisplay(refSlice, Views.hyperSlice(rai,2, rai.dimension(2)/2),"image/jpeg");
slice 56
Of course, you can only see the animation if you actually run the notebook cell. In a future iteration, we are planning to implement an animated GIF generator for offline animations, but not this time. Let’s see what else we can do with these renderers.
First, let’s apply some transformations to images. Already in the above border extension example as well as in the slicing animation, we have used ImgLib2’s default behavior to apply transformations lazily, i.e. only when a ‘pixel’ is actually queried (e.g. to render it into a RenderedImage raster), the transformations are applied. Transformations can be applied to both coordinates and values. Lets apply some transformations to values:
display(Views.invertAxis(rai,0));display("flip axis 0");display(Views.permute(rai,0,1));display("permute axes");display(Views.extendMirrorSingle(rai));display("mirror extension without repeated border pixels");display(Views.subsample(Views.shear(Views.extendPeriodic(rai),0,1),3,1));display("extend periodically, shear axis 1 into axis 0, subsample by (3, 1)");
flip axis 0
permute axes
mirror extension without repeated border pixels
extend periodically, shear axis 1 into axis 0, subsample by (3, 1)
While most trivial integer transformations such as flipping axes work on intervals, you probably noticed that we had to extend the image to infinity in order to shear it, so ImgLib2 can provide values for coordinates outside of the source interval. For real coordinate transformations we will also need to interpolate values at non-integer coordinates. Finally, in order to render the result, we have to read it from a raster. Let’s do this:
importnet.imglib2.interpolation.randomaccess.*;importnet.imglib2.realtransform.*;var imp = IJ.openImage("");RandomAccessibleInterval<ARGBType> rai = ImagePlusImgs.from(imp);var ra = Views.extendValue(rai,newARGBType(0xff00ff00));// < green backgroundvar interpolated = Views.interpolate(ra,new ClampingNLinearInterpolatorFactory<>());// n-linear interpolation/*** This would be* var interpolated = Views.interpolate(ra, new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>());* if you have no concern about value overflows*/var affine =newAffineTransform2D();var transformed = Views.interval(RealViews.affine(interpolated, affine), rai);// shortcut for affinesvar refImage =display(transformed,"image/jpeg");var refLabel =display("","text/html");finalint steps =20;for(int i =0; i < steps;++i){ affine.translate(-rai.dimension(0)/2,-rai.dimension(1)/2); affine.rotate(Math.PI/6.0/ steps); affine.scale(1.0+0.7/ steps); affine.translate(rai.dimension(0)/2, rai.dimension(1)/2);updateDisplay(refImage, Views.interval(transformed, rai),"image/jpeg");updateDisplay( refLabel,String.format("""<p>affine transformation matrix:</p><table><tr><td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f</td></tr><tr><td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f</td><td>%.2f</td></tr></table>""", affine.get(0,0), affine.get(0,1), affine.get(0,2), affine.get(1,0), affine.get(1,1), affine.get(1,2)),"text/html");Thread.sleep(100);}
affine transformation matrix:
Affine transformation are probably the most well known and simple real coordinate transformations, but there are many more. Let’s try a ThinplateSplineTransform and format text output with markdown:
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
Procedurally generated image
We define the Juliaset as a function in 2D real space using a BiConsumer lambda function. The BiConsumer receives two parameters, the first one (x) is the 2D coordinate, the second one (fx) is the target of the function whose value will be set in place, here we use an UnsignedByteType. We also have to provide a Supplier for instances of the target such that multiple threads can each create their own.
The result is a function over continuous coordinates that is unbounded.
var juliaset =new FunctionRealRandomAccessible<UnsignedByteType>(2,(x, fx)->{int i =0;double v =0;double c = x.getDoublePosition(0);double d = x.getDoublePosition(1);for(; i <255&& v <4096;++i){finaldouble e = c * c - d * d; d =2* c * d; c = e +0.3; d +=0.6; v =Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d);++i;} fx.set(i);}, UnsignedByteType::new);BdvSource bdv = juliaset, Intervals.createMinMax(-1,-1,1,1),"juliaset", Bdv.options().is2D());bdv.setDisplayRange(0,127);
Caching results of expensive operations
Trying to show benefits of caching with very contrived example…
Use the juliaset from above. To have something that can be put in a cache, we rasterize (virtually)
var transform =newAffineTransform2D();transform.set(4000,0,8000,0,4000,8000);var affine = RealViews.affine(juliaset, transform);var transformed = affine.view().interval(Intervals.createMinSize(0,0,16000,16000)).convert(UnsignedByteType::new,(i, o)-> o.set(Math.min(i.get()*3,255)));var bdv = transformed,"transformed and rasterized", Bdv.options().is2D());bdv.getBdvHandle().getViewerPanel().setDisplayMode(DisplayMode.SINGLE);
It is relatively expensive (not really, but use your imagination) to compute the value of a pixel in transformed. And the value is re-computed everytime it is accessed.
To avoid that, we can wrap it into a CachedCellImg. Pixel values are computed once and cached for subsequent accesses.
The CachedCellImg pre-computes whole blocks of data when a single pixel from the block is accessed. This is often what you want, but you should be aware of it.
To make things more interesting for the next experiment, we use arbitrary prime numbers for cell sizes.
We define two additional CachedCellImgs: one that generates data by smoothing the procedural image, one that generates data by smoothing the cached image.
Since we use arbitrary prime numbers for cell sizes, the operation on the original image starts immediately, and the operation on the cached image requires that the cached source cells are being generated. We run everything in a single thread, so you see some interesting processing patterns.
To start the show, you have to switch to fused mode which shows all sources that we added to BigDataViewer.