Integral image mapping

Render transformed images with fewer aliasing artifacts.
integral image

Stephan Saalfeld


July 22, 2022

Small experiments for rendering transformed images without aliasing artifacts. We use integral images to approximate an appropriately scaled kernel for each target pixel with a box filter of the size of one scaled pixel.

First include ImageJ and the mpicbg library that includes a useful integral image implementationa and transformation models:

%mavenRepo scijava.public
%maven net.imagej:ij:1.53s
%maven mpicbg:mpicbg_:1.4.0
%maven sc.fiji:panorama_:3.0.2

import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import java.util.*;
import mpicbg.ij.*;
import mpicbg.ij.integral.*;
import mpicbg.models.*;
import mpicbg.panorama.*;

This is the TransformMapping class from mpicbg but with a member source, so we can make and re-use an integral image for all subsequent mappings:

public class PrettyMapping<T extends CoordinateTransform> {

    final protected IntegralImage integral;
    final protected ImageProcessor source;
    final protected T transform;
    final public T getTransform(){ return transform; }
    private static final IntegralImage integrate(final ImageProcessor ip) {
        if (FloatProcessor.class.isInstance(ip))
            return new DoubleIntegralImage((FloatProcessor)ip);
        else if (ByteProcessor.class.isInstance(ip))
            return new LongIntegralImage((ByteProcessor)ip);
        else if (ShortProcessor.class.isInstance(ip))
            return new LongIntegralImage((ShortProcessor)ip);
        else if (ColorProcessor.class.isInstance(ip))
            return new LongRGBIntegralImage((ColorProcessor)ip);
            return null;

    private static final double squareLength(
            final double x0,
            final double y0,
            final double x1,
            final double y1) {
        final double dx = x1 - x0;
        final double dy = y1 - y0;
        return dx * dx + dy * dy;
    private static final double length(
            final double x0,
            final double y0,
            final double x1,
            final double y1) {
        return Math.sqrt(squareLength(x0, y0, x1, y1));

    public PrettyMapping(
            final ImageProcessor source,
            final T transform) {
        this.source = source;
        this.transform = transform;
        this.integral = integrate(source);
    public void map(final ImageProcessor target) {
        final double[] t = new double[3];
        final int sw = source.getWidth() - 1;
        final int sh = source.getHeight() - 1;
        final int tw = target.getWidth();
        final int th = target.getHeight();
        for (int y = 0; y <= th; ++y) {
            final double y0 = y - 0.5;
            final double y1 = y + 0.5;
            for (int x = 0; x <= tw; ++x) {
                t[0] = x;
                t[1] = y;
                t[2] = 1.0;
                final double t0 = t[0];
                final double t1 = t[1];
                if (t0 >= 0 && t0 <= sw && t1 >= 0 && t1 <= sh) {
                    final double x0 = x - 0.5;
                    final double x1 = x + 0.5;

                    t[0] = x0;
                    t[1] = y0;
                    t[2] = 1.0;
                    final double x00 = t[0];
                    final double y00 = t[1];
                    t[0] = x1;
                    t[1] = y0;
                    t[2] = 1.0;
                    final double x10 = t[0];
                    final double y10 = t[1];

                    t[0] = x0;
                    t[1] = y1;
                    t[2] = 1.0;
                    final double x01 = t[0];
                    final double y01 = t[1];

                    t[0] = x1;
                    t[1] = y1;
                    t[2] = 1.0;
                    final double x11 = t[0];
                    final double y11 = t[1];

                    final double avgHalfLength = (
                        length(x00, y00, x10, y10) +
                        length(x10, y10, x11, y11) +
                        length(x11, y11, x01, y01) +
                        length(x01, y01, x00, y00)) / 8.0;
                    if (avgHalfLength > 1) {
                        final int tx = (int)(t0 + 0.5);
                        final int ty = (int)(t1 + 0.5);
                        final int r = (int)(avgHalfLength + 0.5);
                        final int xMin = Math.max(-1, tx - r - 1);
                        final int xMax = Math.min(sw, tx + r);
                        final int yMin = Math.max(-1, ty - r - 1);
                        final int yMax = Math.min(sh, ty + r);
                        final float scale = 1.0f / (xMax - xMin) / (yMax - yMin);
                        target.set(x, y, integral.getScaledSum(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, scale));
                    } else
                        target.putPixel(x, y, source.getPixelInterpolated(t0, t1));

Let’s load an image from somewhere. This one is large, so we scale it down a bit and display it even smaller:

ImagePlus imp = IJ.openImage("");
var ip = imp.getProcessor();
ip.setMinAndMax(64, 255 - 64);
var ipScaled = Scale.create(ip).scale(0.4);

Now we transform this with a perspective transformation:

double w = ipScaled.getWidth();
double h = ipScaled.getHeight();
double d = 500;

var homography = new HomographyModel2D();
    new double[][]{
        {d, w - d, -d, w + d},
        {0, 0, h - 2 * d, h - 2 * d}},
    new double[][]{
        {0, w, 0, w},
        {0, 0, h, h}},
    new double[]{1, 1, 1, 1});
var mapping = new PrettyMapping(ipScaled, homography);
var ip2 = ip.createProcessor((int)w, (int)h - 2 * (int)d);;

Now let’s see how it looks with interpolation only, i.e. if the kernel does not integrate over transformed pixels that are larger than one source pixel:

var mapping2 = new TransformMapping(homography);
var ip3 = ip.createProcessor((int)w, (int)h - 2 * (int)d);
mapping2.mapInverseInterpolated(ipScaled, ip3);

Now let’s do an experiment with a proper camera model. We can use the RectlinearCamera from Fiji’s panorama viewer, but to use this with PrettyMapping we have to run it through a facade that applies the inverse of the transformation instead of the forward:

public class InverseOf implements CoordinateTransform {
    protected InverseCoordinateTransform t;
    public InverseOf(final InverseCoordinateTransform t) {
        this.t = t;
    public void applyInPlace(final double[] point) {
        try { t.applyInverseInPlace(point); }
        catch (final NoninvertibleModelException e ) {
    public double[] apply(final double[] point) {
        final double[] copy = point.clone();
        return copy;
double w = ipScaled.getWidth();
double h = ipScaled.getHeight();
double d = 1000;

var camera = new RectlinearCamera();
camera.setSourceWidth(w - 1);
camera.setSourceHeight(h - 1);
camera.pan(Math.PI * 0.05);

var mapping = new PrettyMapping(ipScaled, new InverseOf(camera));
var ip2 = ip.createProcessor((int)camera.getTargetWidth(), (int)camera.getTargetHeight());;

camera.pan(-Math.PI / 2);;
